What can psychoanalysis do in the face of the marks of segregation?

From group logic to Möebian logic


  • Maria Célia Delgado de Carvalho
  • Sheila Skitnevsky Finger FCL-S´P




segregation, identification, group, singularity, psychoanalysis, logic, affirmative measures


This text begins with the scenario of segregations, also ongoing in contemporary times, which can be considered as a consequence of social organization into groups.

Through contributions from Freud and Lacan, it is possible to identify the logic of groups that establishes closure, through identification with a signifier representing one group in opposition to others, represented by other signifiers.

Freud discusses the impossibility of reconciliation between individual needs and collective demands in civilization, while Lacan foresees an expansion of segregation processes in the future. Segregation is seen as a failed attempt to deal with differences, resulting in exclusion and aggression towards those considered foreigners.

Lacan proposes an approach that recognizes the singularity of the subject and social bonds, aiming for de-identification and disalienation. Psychoanalysis presents itself as a practice seeking to break with phantasmic identifications and question unjust social agreements.

The text also suggests that Lacan's proposals for a School of Psychoanalysis may provide a new logic, conceived as a Moebian continuity, which allows for singularity.

Affirmative measures are proposed as a way to give voice to diversity and create space for those who feel excluded or segregated, emphasizing that in a School intended to accommodate processes of analyst (de)formation, the desire for inclusion and acceptance should always find a place.


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How to Cite

Delgado de Carvalho, M. C., & Skitnevsky Finger, S. (2024). What can psychoanalysis do in the face of the marks of segregation? From group logic to Möebian logic. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(46), pp. 191–196. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.v1i46.1091

