The The uberization of the psychoanalyst and the dangers for Psychoanalysis and the School: from the love of knowledge to the passion of ignorance


  • Raul Albino Pacheco Filho PUC-SP



psychoanalysis, training, capitalist discourse, analyst's discourse, merchandise


The dangers for Psychoanalysis, its discourse and the School are discussed: a) the constant threats of regulation of the psychoanalyst profession; b) the multiplication of precarious offers allegedly related to psychoanalyst training; c) the hiring of psychoanalysts as workers service providers by private clinics, in an informal work regime and paid according to the number of consultations performed. It is proposed that these threats derive from the capitalist discourse, which works like a black hole exerting immense gravitational force on any distinct discursive formation within its reach: sucking and submitting everything to the hegemonic dominance of its structure of jouissance ordering. Capitalism is characterized by an aversion to love and knowledge, as it produces a subject who: a) does not question himself about the fantasy that merchandise is capable of fulfilling his desire and enjoyment; b) does not question the origin of the 'programming' that articulates goods to the object cause of desire; c) is not interested in the unconscious. "I don't want to know anything about it" is the north of his life, guided by the "passion of ignorance". Although the psychoanalyst's craft is guided by love, knowledge and the ethics of desire, the capitalist discourse constitutes an ever-present threat of co-option and destruction of its ethics and discourse. Regulating psychoanalytic practice and standardizing its training along the lines of a profession is the path to its commodification (or worse: to its uberization) and to the elimination of the subversion that it sustains as a hole: the fissure that indicates that capitalism lacks a heart.


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How to Cite

Pacheco Filho, R. A. (2024). The The uberization of the psychoanalyst and the dangers for Psychoanalysis and the School: from the love of knowledge to the passion of ignorance. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(45), pp. 37–47.

