The child and the pills

science around childhood


  • Mônica Oliveira Silva Fórum do Campo Lacaniano de São Paulo



Childhood, Medicalization, Science, Ethics


The intersection between the culture of consumption and the medicalization of suffering has permeated  discussions in the psychoanalytical field for some time. Psychoanalysis, which causes a subversion in the discourse of science by thinking of the subject in his subjective division, has been increasingly provoked to think about contemporary phenomena of categorization, universalism and aversion to otherness.

Thus, how can we think about childhood in this scenario of suppression of singularities in favor of the standardization of individualities? What place is given to the child's symptom today? Certainly the scientific discourse has played a relevant role in this discussion, since we have observed the growing proliferation of psychiatric diagnoses in childhood. How to think about the malaise of contemporary childhood without falling into the meshes of pathologizing discourse? The bet continues to be on ethics supported by the analyst's discourse.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. O. (2024). The child and the pills: science around childhood. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(44), pp. 27–34.

