The infantile real and the actuality of the “Three essays”


  • Rosane Braga de Melo



Infantile sexuality; Analyst's discourse; Ethics; Psychoanalysis.


The text approaches the actuality of the enumerated theses in the Three essays on the theory of sexuality, in which Freud retakes the signifiers by authors of his time to counter and indicate how much the so-called psychopaths or aberrations are ingredients of the sexual life of people considered healthy. In affirming the existence of infantile sexuality, Freud problematizes the discourse that treats the child as an asexual being and shows how much education competes in the civilizing attempts to stifle the sexual life of a people and to limit autoerotism, to assert itself as sole and legitimate sexual aim the reproduction. However, children are the first ones to tear their faces, to demonstrate the imaginary precariousness and fluidity of the two sides presented to them as the principle of functioning of the genre, male or female. And in the cases of trans-children, we wonder how the analyst’s discourse and the psychoanalysis ethics can contribute to a discussion that does not address how the child can orient themselves from the enjoyment of their own condition as subject of desire?


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Author Biography

Rosane Braga de Melo

Psicóloga. Psicanalista, membro AME da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano-Brasil. Diretora da AFCL/EPFCL-Brasil. Membro do Colegiado de Formações Clínicas do Campo Lacaniano do Rio de Janeiro. Professora do curso de Psicologia e do curso de Mestrado em Psicologia da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

de Melo, R. B. (2018). The infantile real and the actuality of the “Three essays”. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (35), pp. 23–31.