The child’s body


  • Mónica Palacio



Lacanian psychoanalysis, Child’s body, Eroticization, Mark, Speaking being, Lalangue, Clinical Treatment


The text, which was originally a conference, addresses the relevance of working in network for the transmission of psychoanalysis, highlighting the efforts of Spanish-Speaking Network of Psychoanalysis with Children and Adolescents (RHIPNA) in this regard. We stress the need to address the specificities of psychoanalysis with children, particularly that, which on several occasions, lends itself to confusion, including in the Lacanian psychoanalytic circles: the subject and the individual. The question about the notion of “child” is raised and the relationship between the body and language in psychoanalysis is examined, highlighting Lacan’s introduction of the concept of “speaking being”. The ideas of mark and eroticization in relation to the child’s body are explored, as well as the clinical implications of pharmacological intervention on the bodies of children and young people. The text concludes by stressing the importance of approaching the body from the speaking being’s singularity to understand and treat symptoms in the context of psychoanalysis.


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How to Cite

Palacio, M. (2024). The child’s body. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(44), pp. 43–53.

