Wanting to be is no longer, and what remains is you


  • Jessica Caiado Universidade de Brasilia




Love, Deceit, Desire, Lack


There is a non-wanting to know that is characteristic of neurosis, the passion of wanting to be, of what one is not, a structure that tries to deny the most radical thing in each one, castration itself. We don't want to know about our symptoms, what limits us, what appears in the rush of speech, the unconscious. The subject deposits in the Other the answer to his existence, addresses this so that he says what he lacks and that would complete him in his condition of a missing subject, castrated. An attempt at reparation, at completeness, at becoming One, and the passions: love, hate and ignorance are responses to this. Thus, in relation to love, the subject alienates himself from it, love as a deception of lack. Thus, it is possible to think of love not as a response, but, as Lacan says, an active gift, which always aims, beyond imaginary captivation, at the being of the loved subject, the most radical mark of his difference as a speaking, missing subject.


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How to Cite

Caiado, J. (2024). Wanting to be is no longer, and what remains is you. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(45), pp. 121–126. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.v1i45.1001

