Ethical and aesthetic dimension of the desire of the analyst

approximations between the cure in psychoanalysis and creation in art according to Antigone’s tragedy


  • Jéssica Pedrosa UnB



Desire of the analyst, Cure, Ethics, Tragedy, Art


This article investigates the ethical and aesthetic dimensions of the desire of the analyst as an operator in the psychoanalytic clinic, analyzing the similarities between the concept of cure in psychoanalysis, from the prehistory of the clinic to the contemporary, the effect of the chorus and catharsis in Greek tragedy and of the lament in the opera. With these approximations, it was verified that the concepts of the desire of the analyst, in Lacan, and love and transference, in Freud, are intertwined as fundamental logical operators for the analytical praxis in search of a possible “well-saying” for each subject. Using the example of Antigone, in the tragedy, and the masquerade, a feminine position also dear to the analyst, it was concluded that the ethics of psychoanalysis surrounds a lack of knowledge and a dimension of lack, not aiming at a guaranteed truth, but a bet creative, in which there is always an incurable remainder, just like aesthetics in tragedy and in opera's female lament.


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How to Cite

Pedrosa, J. (2024). Ethical and aesthetic dimension of the desire of the analyst: approximations between the cure in psychoanalysis and creation in art according to Antigone’s tragedy. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(45), pp. 109–120.

