Love and its pathways


  • Maria Célia Delgado de Carvalho



Misfortunes of love, Passions of the self, Direction of analysis, Object a, More dignified love


The text discusses love and its pathways by addressing the passions of the self, love, hate, and ignorance, which appear in the psychoanalytic clinic with all the complications that arise from it. To this end, the contributions of Freud, Lacan, and some others on the subject are reviewed and commented on. What matters is not to talk about love but to analyze the aspects of this passion and the other passions of the self, using the numerous contributions taken from Guimarães Rosa's Grande Sertão: Veredas about love that once again prove how creative writers carry a knowledge that can go well beyond the developments possible through the concepts and theories of psychoanalysis. An overview is also made on the presence of these passions in the direction of analysis. The text travels the path towards desire through the passions of the self, leading to the possibility of a more dignified love that can be given through analysis or art to the extent that both events point towards the real.


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Fingermann, Dominique (2015) – Amar Adentro – in Stylus nº 30 pp. 103 – 109.

Freud, S. (1976 - 1907). Delírios e sonhos na Gradiva de Jensen in Edição Standard Brasileira das obras de Freud Vol IX pp. 13 -100 – Imago Editora – Rio de Janeiro

Lacan, J. (2003 - 1973) – Nota Italiana in Outros Escritos pp. 311 a 316 – Jorge Zahar Editor – 2003 – Rio de Janeiro.

Lacan, J. (2010 - 1973) - Sem. 20 - Encore – 1972- 1973 Edição não comercial destinada exclusivamente aos membros da Escola Letra Freudiana – Rio de Janeiro.

Lacan, J. (2016 – 1974) – Sem 21 – Os não tolos vagueiam – Publicação não comercial – Circulação exclusiva para os membros do Espaço Moebius – Salvador.

Prates, A.L (2015) Para sempre é sempre por um triz – in Stylus revista de psicanálise nº30 pp. 31 - 41.

Rosa, J. G. (1984) - Grande Sertão: Veredas 20ª Edição – Rio de Janeiro - Nova Fronteira.



How to Cite

Delgado de Carvalho, M. C. (2024). Love and its pathways. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(45), pp. 91–98.

