From the psychosomatic phenomenon to the jouissance substance

effects of poetic interpretation on the body


  • Ingrid Figueiredo Fórum do Campo Lacaniano de São Paulo



Body, Writing, Psychosomatic phenomenon, To know, Enjoyment


Questions about the body opened the field to new questions about the relationship between the body and writing, based on the hypothesis that the psychosomatic phenomenon appears as a letter in the body, without the intermediation of the symbolic, as something that appears in the real with writing status. It is an epistemo-somatic failure, like a writing that cannot be read located on the coastline between knowledge and jouissance. Based on these premises, would it be possible to question, based on the psychoanalytic method, whether there is a treatment direction based on the operation via the paracomplete logic of poetic interpretation and the paraconsistent logic of symptom formation? I understand that this question has been questioning me based on clinical listening and elaborations on the effects of poetic interpretation on the jouissance of the body or on the jouissance substance in cases of patients affected by psychosomatic phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, I. . (2023). From the psychosomatic phenomenon to the jouissance substance: effects of poetic interpretation on the body. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(43), pp. 25–33.

