The child and the choice of sex


  • Maria Vitoria Fonseca Bittencourt



Psychoanalysis; Child; Sexuality; Phallus; Joissance; Choice.


The paper proposes to discuss the choice of sex in the child. To unfold the question of the choice of sex in the child, a term is indispensable: the jouissance of the body. The first manifestation of jouissance is the one in which the child jubilates before their image in the mirror. However, when making a body, comes the confrontation with the sexual reality, which is what is most hetero. The case of Hans illustrates this jouissance, the basis of his phobic symptom. Hence the time of his “entrance into the real” through infantile sexual theories that will produce knowledge, thus operating a conjunction of jouissance and signifier. So, choosing the sex in the search for identity proves to be illusory because it is not enough to
have a body as a guarantee, and it is at stake whether or not to have the phallus.


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Author Biography

Maria Vitoria Fonseca Bittencourt

Psicóloga graduada em Psicologia Clínica, Sorbonne-Paris. Psicanalista, membro AME da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano-Brasil, membro do Fórum do Campo Lacaniano do Rio de Janeiro e membro do Colegiado de Formações Clínicas do Campo Lacaniano do Rio de Janeiro. Mestrado do Champ Freudien, Université Paris VIII.



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How to Cite

Bittencourt, M. V. F. (2018). The child and the choice of sex. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (35), pp. 105–111.

