Uma operação para a política do sinthoma


  • Ronaldo Torres



Politics, Symptom, Verleugnung, Semblant, Lacan


One of the prime ways of thinking about the relationship between politics and symptom points to what Lacan defined as a social bond. If Freud proposes a certain contradiction between the symptom and social bond, for Lacan, the relationship is more complex because it is the very presence of the unconscious that founds discourse. This article examines the scope of the logical reach of the Verleugnung operation – articulated by Lacan to the effects of the analytic act (taken as the end of analysis) – that relates to the position of agent in the analyst’s discourse. Here it is the specificity of the notion of semblant which appears as an articulator of this relationship. Later, we seek to indicate how a politics of the symptom, accustomed to the social bond, can derive from such a perspective.


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Author Biography

Ronaldo Torres

Psicanalista, Mestre em Psicologia Clínica pelo Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Doutorando pela mesma instituição. Membro do Fórum do Campo Lacaniano - São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Torres, R. (2011). Uma operação para a política do sinthoma. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (22), pp. 81–88.

