O que pode ser uma lógica do real?


  • Ronaldo Torres




Logic, interpretation, psychoanalytical act, discourse of the psychoanalyst


Soon after formalizing the logic of fantasy, Lacan demonstrated how the psychoanalytical act meant, ultimately, an act way beyond that logic. Thus, Lacan got to the extreme of a tension between the fields of logic and ethics, in which the logic finds its limit in an ethical response. In this way, the act is a real response to the fantasy, by which the subject was constituted from the symbolic determination. In this sense, logic and real proved themselves to be mutually excluding. However, it did not take Lacan long to formalize the type of bond that is structured as an effect of this act, that is, a bond that requires logic related to the real. The aim of this paper is to follow these passages in Lacan’s teachings, taking into account the fact that that is the discourse of the analyst that provides logic for interpretation.


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Author Biography

Ronaldo Torres

Psicanalista, Mestre em Psicologia Clínica pelo Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Doutourando pela mesma instituição. Membro do Fórum do Campo Lacaniano de São Paulo. Autor do livro Dimensões do ato em psicanálise (Annablume, 2010)


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How to Cite

Torres, R. (2012). O que pode ser uma lógica do real?. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (24), pp. 85–92. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.vi24.792

