Notas sobre o Fantástico e a sexuação a partir do conto As Academias de Sião, de Machado de Assis


  • Fabiano Chagas Rabêlo



Sexuation, fantastic, strange, modal logic


In this article we discuss a comment of the short story As academias de Sião by Machado de Assis. At first, we will work on some general ideas related to the genre of the fantastic that will allow us to locate an effect of ‘desubjectivization’ mediated by the short story which is able of arousing in the reader a state of productive indeterminacy. Departing from the shock of our identifications, we are called upon to ask ourselves what, in essence, makes someone male or female. Hence, following the thread of the story, taking as reference the enigma of the

sexual soul, we move on in the discussion about the creation of sexual identities from the perspective of psychoanalysis, describing the categories of sex, gender, object-choice and sexuation. Regarding the latter, we weave some notes about the modal logic and the phallic function.


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Author Biography

Fabiano Chagas Rabêlo

Membro da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano — EPFCL, Professor Assistente do Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Piauí — Campus Parnaíba. Endereço: Rua Marc Jacob, 484, Apt. 203 - CEP 64202510 - Parnaíba — PI Tel.: (86) 9809-1277 e (85) 8718-7005


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How to Cite

Rabêlo, F. C. (2015). Notas sobre o Fantástico e a sexuação a partir do conto As Academias de Sião, de Machado de Assis. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (30), pp. 43–55.

