Laços e desenlaces: reviravoltas na clínica psicanalítica


  • Dominique Fingermann



Link, discourse, transference, sinthoma, Saying


The text proposes a recurrence of the question on related to linkings and unlinkings and their various overturns along the psychoanalytical experience. The answer of the analyst becomes an exceptional occasion for creating a bond with what presents itself as a fundamental outcome: the singular symptom of existence of each individual particularly touched and entwined by the law of the significant. If transference is a false link necessary to the exploration of the symptom, the “intervention over transference” configures a radical Say-not to the sayings of the demand, while it allows for a resonance of One-Saying of the sinthoma, a unique possibility of enoding with the RSI structure.


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Author Biography

Dominique Fingermann

Psicanalista, AME da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano – Brasil. Ensinante no Collège de Clinique Psychanalytique du Sud-Est (France). Autora do livro Por causa do pior  (Iluminuras, 2005), em coautoria com Mauro Mendes Dias, e organizadora do livro Os paradoxos da repetição  (Annablume, 2014).


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How to Cite

Fingermann, D. (2015). Laços e desenlaces: reviravoltas na clínica psicanalítica. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (31), pp. 71–86.

