Pânico e fobia: Enlace e desenlace da angústia Comunicação de uma pesquisa em curso


  • Dominique Fingermann




Panic, phobia, anguish, DSM


Anguish is not a very successful term in the scientific discourse of our current times, as it does not raise the interest of the values of the market that determines this era either. But as we know by experience, what is kept hidden returns in the real, or what leaves through the front door does return through the rear door. So, anguish, stress, attention dysfunction, breathing difficulties and, more specifically, panics and phobias, operate at full steam both in the scientific discourse and the common sense. Panic and phobia, which are listed in the DSM’s chapter of “anxiety disorders,” appear as a common reference of the ill conditions of people who usually look for an analyst, and they were precisely described and formalized since the early days of psychoanalysis. Panic explores and presents a temporal dilation of anguish and its localization in the body while a phobia organizes the escape, the move, and the tying in a privileged signifier. Th e text approximates and separates these two symptomatic conditions and its distinct forms of absorbing the existential fact of anguish.


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Author Biography

Dominique Fingermann

Psicanalista, AME da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano –Brasil. Autora do livro Por causa do pior (Iluminuras, 2005), em coautoria com Mauro Mendes Dias, e organizadora do livro Os paradoxos da repetição (Annablume, 2014).


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How to Cite

Fingermann, D. (2016). Pânico e fobia: Enlace e desenlace da angústia Comunicação de uma pesquisa em curso. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (32), pp. 89–98. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.vi32.624

