

  • Camila Vidal Gutiérrez




Pass, feminine jouissance, horror towards knowledge, analyst’s desire


The analyst’s desire is what results and what can be put to functioning, once the trajectory of the cure has freed the subject from his/her faith in the Other. This makes the subject responsible for his/her own jouissance, both from the one who is present and the one that is missing. Fundamentally, we could say something about the missing one, once it is the one that will allow the localization of the “patient” not as an object in search of this jouissance, but leave this place empty, thus, allowing the analysand to meet with this new desire, in which, for the first time, will not be taken as body. In this case, the analyst’s desire, finally, appears with the “haze”, this blunt real which is no longer with the Other. It is lost there, it guarantees the “not all”. It is the missing jouissance and as previously known, it is not within the Other. It does not have to look for it in the Other because it is there by the side of the One; however it is nothing but “haze”. The question is how to maintain it there, in a way that the “haze” does not dissipate, is kept in the limit of the sense. The pass is an attempt to prevent this “haze” from dissipating once it is exactly this that also allows a move away from inde finition. An attempt of preserving something of this real that, contrary to the insistence of the sense, always turns back; an attempt of a new connection with something that was found, and that for being so valuable, shall not get lost.


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Author Biography

Camila Vidal Gutiérrez

AE da EPFCL (2015-2018). Psicanalista, membro da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano (Foro Santiago-Vigo). Docente das Formações Clínicas do Campo Lacaniano na Espanha.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez, C. V. . (2016). Névoa…. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (32), pp. 13–24. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.vi32.616