Interlacing between nomination and legal law

notes on the change of civil name by transgenders


  • Eduardo Brandão



Transgenders; Change of civil name; Law; Nomination; Sexuation.


The demand from transgender people for judicial change of the civil name has been increasingly frequent, and those cases are usually referred by the judges to a psychological evaluation before making their decisions. Once guided by analytical listening, the evaluation device sheds some light on the articulation of the nomination with the legal field. From a case fragment, I defend the hypothesis that the change of civil name is the response that the subject seeks to place themselves in a given sexed position. The change of the name gives the subject the symbolic support that singularizes it and at the same time represents it to the Other. For this, one cannot lose sight of the difference between subject of statement and subject of enunciation, as well as between legal law and symbolic law.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Brandão

Psicólogo, Psicanalista. Doutor em Teoria Psicanalítica pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e mestre em Psicologia Clínica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Psicólogo do Tribunal de Justiça/RJ. Professor dos cursos de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Jurídica e de graduação à distância em Pedagogia do AVM - Faculdade Integrada. Professor do módulo de Psicologia Jurídica da Escola de Magistratura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Autor do livro “Nem Édipo, nem Barbárie; genealogia dos laços entre Aliança e Sexualidade”. Organizador do livro “Atualidades em Psicologia Jurídica” e coorganizador do livro “Psicologia Jurídica no Brasil”.


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How to Cite

Brandão, E. (2018). Interlacing between nomination and legal law: notes on the change of civil name by transgenders. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (35), pp. 165–175.

