The statute of knowledge in capitalist discourse and the “lazy” contemporary subjectivity





Savvy, Capitalist discourse, Contemporary subjectivity


This article aims to propose a discussion around the status of knowledge in capitalist discourse and its effects on contemporary subjectivity, considering the change in the position of knowledge in the scope of discourse, taking as a reference, first, the passage of the master’s discourse to university discourse. Subsequently, it is highlighted how knowing in the form of merchandise produces a lazy contemporary subjectivity in that it prevents the subject from accessing the unconscious as an ideal worker, within the scope of capitalist discourse. The result is the emergence of pathologies that impose a challenge to the psychoanalyst, once they arrive fixing the subject in a certain place, which names him and places him as an object and not a producer of knowledge, promoting the incessant search for enjoyment in which acts appear instead of the word


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How to Cite

MORAIS, J. L. (2023). The statute of knowledge in capitalist discourse and the “lazy” contemporary subjectivity. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(41), pp. 63–74.

