Transience value is rarity value in time




Psychoanalysis, Transience, Mourning


In Western culture, there is a tendency to put death aside and exclude it from the calculations of life. At the base of this trend, there is a structural factor: death is one of the names of the impossible to represent. Extreme situations, such as pandemics, expose our malaise in the face of the fragility of our human condition and so many other things that we used to consider solid and conquered. Realizing the finitude of things and loved ones can, in effect, awaken in us a painful prostration, despair or revolt against this fact. Are there any other ways of responding to the inexorable transience of life and the things we enjoy? By what means could we carry out the transitory of objects as a rarity value in time so poetically described by Freud?


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How to Cite

PINHO, M. X. (2020). Transience value is rarity value in time. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(40), pp. 157–167.