The logic of contingency in the equivocal interpretation Abstract


  • Daniela Batista Universidade Federal da Bahia



Contingent, Interpretation, Equivocal, Kairós


Kairós is an impossible Greek word to translate that has particular importance for sophistry, because it represents something in relation to time, speech and argument. Barbara Cassin defines Kairós as the incalculable, stealthy, aimless, singular and contingent moment.  It can also be considered as the moment of opening of the possible, moment of rupture, creation of the new. This work intends to articulate this particularity of the sophistic discourse to contingency as a logical modality in psychoanalytic treatment. A path from Gorgias to Lacan is outlined briefly to try to demonstrate why recourse to equivocation is a powerful weapon to work with the unconscious through interpretation.


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How to Cite

Batista, D. (2020). The logic of contingency in the equivocal interpretation Abstract. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(40), pp. 93–104.