The inconsistency of the other and the impossibility of the discourse universe on the Lacanian field


  • Ingrid Porto de Figueiredo Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



Truth, Cause, Enjoyment, Inconsistency, Discourse


It was with Lacan that psychoanalysis shifted the unconscious that tells the truth to the truth that speaks for itself. In his teaching, truth was placed as having a material cause, different from science, which has truth as a formal cause. In addition, the place of the cause is situated from the subject — the subject of science, created and foreclosed by the scientific field — in its articulation with the materiality of the signifier, with the object a and the field of enjoyment (jouissance), this baptized as Lacanian field, for being inaugurated from the advances of La- can in relation to the Freudian drive theory. Then the unconscious structured as a language advances to the unconscious in its real strand, bringing the logical undertaking to demons- trate the inconsistency of the Other and the impossibility of the discourse universe.


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How to Cite

de Figueiredo, I. P. (2020). The inconsistency of the other and the impossibility of the discourse universe on the Lacanian field. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (39), pp. 63–74.

