From the fall of the father to the rise of the scoundrel


  • Allisson Vasconselos Oliveira UFMG
  • Marina del Papa UFMG



Scoundrel, Paternal function, Fall of the father, Theory of the four discourses


From an episode of the television series Black mirror, we analyze the contemporary phenomenon of the rise of the scoundrel, a figure that, as experience shows, takes advantage of the widespread helplessness caused by the fall of the father to impose himself on the subject as an absolute Other, capitalizing on their claims. The fall of the father indicates the loss of the subject’s phallic mark in the culture, due to which the subject can no longer locate any anchor point, feeling adrift in the world. The scoundrel appears not only as a substitute for the father, who may serve him as a reference, but also as his undue version, dependent on the stupidity and subordination of the masses to exercise his domination.


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Author Biographies

Allisson Vasconselos Oliveira, UFMG

Psychologist graduated from PUC Minas. Master student in Psychoanalytical Studies at PPG-PSI/UFMG. E-mail:

Marina del Papa, UFMG

Psychologist graduated from PUC Minas. Master student in Psychoanalytic Studies at PPG-PSI/UFMG. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Vasconselos Oliveira, A., & del Papa, M. (2020). From the fall of the father to the rise of the scoundrel. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (39), pp. 75–81.

