The out-body

impasses between holophrase and letter


  • JULIANA SPERANDIO FARIA Participante do collège clinique de Paris e doutoranda da universidade de Paris VII



Letter, Holophrase, Symptom, Body, Unconscious


The differences between the psychosomatic phenomenon and the symptom are clarified in the psychoanalysis clinic by the holophrase concept, as Lacan presented during his 11th Seminar. However, the holophrase was already an announcement of a symbolic rupture, given that it appears as a real signifier, or as an S1 out of the chain. This is the reason why we can call a holophrase an out-body referring to the “symbolic body”. The real problem was established in the decade of 1970, when Lacan defines the symptom as a letter, a mark of the One, which is out-body. Thus, the question is: holophrase, is that a letter? What kind of “body” was Lacan talking about? The development in the Lacanian theory related to the concepts of the body, the unconscious and the symptom imply a study about what the effects in the body between those two are.


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How to Cite

FARIA, J. S. (2020). The out-body: impasses between holophrase and letter. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (39), pp. 135–146.

