The Advent of the Other?


  • Colette Soler



Advent of the real; Other; Not-all; The woman; End of analysis; Unnameable.


The advent of the real is diverse and function of the discourses in exercise. Every advent is therefore witness to the operability of language. When, in the end, Freud says “what does a woman want?”, it is a formula for recognizing the difference of half the sexed beings, but not a formula for the advent of The woman as the Other. Lacan, by placing the conjunction of this other enjoyment with the logic of the language of the
not-all, produced the advent of the “super-meutade” [surmoïtié] in psychoanalysis. The advent of the not-all in psychoanalysis opens many questions and this article investigates whether, at the end of the analysis, the analysis of the not-all can remove the Other radically barred by identification with the silence of the unnameable.


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Author Biography

Colette Soler

Psicanalista. AME da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano (França). Formada por Jacques Lacan, está na origem dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano e de sua Escola. Doutora em Psicologia (Paris VII), é autora de vários livros, entre os quais: A psicanálise na civilização (Contracapa, 1998), que Lacan dizia das mulheres (Jorge Zahar, 2005), O inconsciente a céu aberto na psicose (Jorge Zahar, 2007), Lacan, o inconsciente revisitado (Cia. de Freud, 2012), Declinações da angústia (Escuta, 2012) e Seminário de leitura de texto, ano 2006-2007: Seminário A angústia, de Jacques Lacan (Escuta, 2012).


Lacan, J. (1966). La signification du phallus. In J. Lacan. Écrits. Paris : Seuil.

Lacan, J. (1968). La méprise du sujet supposé savoir. In J. Lacan. Scilicet 1. Paris : Seuil.

Lacan, J. (1973a). L’étourdit. In J. Lacan. Scilicet 4. Paris : Seuil.

Lacan, J. (1973b). Le Séminaire, livre XI : Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse. Paris : Seuil.

Lacan, J. (1973c). Télévision. Paris : Seuil.

Lacan, J. (1975). Le Séminaire, livre XX : encore. Paris : Seuil.

Lacan, J. (1984). Compte-rendu sur L’acte analytique. Ornicar ?, Paris : Navarin, 29.

Lacan, J. (2001a). Note italienne. In J. Lacan. Autres écrits. Paris : Seuil.

Lacan, J. (2001b). Préface à L’éveil du printemps. In J. Lacan. Autres écrits. Paris : Seuil.

Lacan, J. (2001c). L’étourdit. In J. Lacan. Autres écrits. Paris : Seuil. (Texte original publié en 1972)

Lacan, J. (2001d). Postface au Séminaire XI. In J. Lacan. Autres écrits. Paris : Seuil. (Texte original publié en 1973)



How to Cite

Soler, C. (2018). The Advent of the Other?. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (37), pp. 11–30.

