Considerations on the opérance of the psychoanalyst and the politics of the psychoanalytic act


  • Sandra Leticia Berta



Psychoanalysis; Policy; Ethic; Opérance; Psychoanalytic act.


Considering the psychoanalytic act, the author revises and advances her research on Lacan's neologism “opérance”, produced in the wake of his elaborations on the psychoanalytic act and the School. On this occasion, the accent is placed on the coast between the analyst's desire and the analytic act, both in the logical dependence on the position that sustains the transfer operation, pointed out in 1967 with the expression porte-à-faux. A course in the elaborations in which? Lacan advances on the object a, articulating the cause of desire and the more-to-enjoy, points out that the opérance is an effect of the paradox of the act and puts to the test both the direction of the cure and the sustention of a School work, in particular when it comes to the pass.


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Author Biography

Sandra Leticia Berta

Psicanalista, AME da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano. Membro da Comissão Internacional da Garantia, CIG (2016-2018). Membro do Colegiado de Representantes da Internacional dos Fóruns, CRIF (2014-2016), Membro da Comissão Local Epistêmica, de Acolhimento e Garantia CLEAG-Brasil (2014-2016). Membro e ensinante de Formações Clínicas do Campo Lacaniano, Fórum do Campo Lacaniano-São Paulo. Coordenadora da Rede de Pesquisa sobre as Psicoses do FCL-São Paulo. Mestre e doutora em Psicologia Clínica pela Universidade de São Paulo. Autora do livro Escrever o trauma, de Freud a Lacan (Buenos Aires: Letra Viva, 2014; São Paulo: Annablume, 2015).


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How to Cite

Berta, S. L. (2018). Considerations on the opérance of the psychoanalyst and the politics of the psychoanalytic act. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (36), pp. 27–49.