The “Proposition of 9 October 1967”, the School community and the decision of the Collegiate of International Guarantee (CIG)


  • Luciana de Freitas Guarreschi



Proposition of the School; Indication of Analyst Member of the School (AMS); Criteria of indication.


The author asks a question to Lacan’s “Proposition”: What is the knowledge of the founder and how to articulate it with the time that has to receive the results of his actions? Proposing a three-stroke cut to think about the political construction of our School, which this year celebrates 20 years of foundation, the author makes a joint of the texts “The situation of psychoanalysis in 1956” and “Proposition of October 9 1967” with the decision of February 2016 of the Collegiate of International Guarantee (CIG), which extended the possibility of the indication of Analyst Member of the School (AMS) to each one of the members of the School,
using as a mark Lacan’s consecrated criticism of the terms hierarchy and gradus.


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Author Biography

Luciana de Freitas Guarreschi

Psicanalista, membro do Fórum do Campo Lacaniano-São Paulo e da Internacional dos Fóruns-Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano.


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How to Cite

Guarreschi, L. de F. (2018). The “Proposition of 9 October 1967”, the School community and the decision of the Collegiate of International Guarantee (CIG). Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (36), pp. 113–120.