Narcissism and its echoes


  • Ana Paula Lacorte Gianesi



Narcissism; Identification; Topology; Homotopia.


Drawing from the myth of Narcissus its structural components, this article aims to critically debate some aspects on the degeneration of the contemporary social bond. The presence of paternal and drivers dimensions in the myth and the tragic destiny of the Greek hero is seen as crucial to support the arguments placed here. Narcissus was the son of Cephus (a river). The waters (as mirror-Other) were laid from the beginning of the narrative. The elements of the gaze and the voice (as libidinal objects) appear in a reified way: the gaze that imprisons and the voice that emerges in petrified and deep alienation (echolalia). The ethical orientation of an analysis, which aims to empty the meaning and sustain the gap of the Real, would be a counterpoint to the narcissistic influx and to the voracity of the spectacles of meaning. The present work ends with a proposal for the distinction between what it would be an end of analysis through what can be designated as narcisic identification (when the links of the symptom and the Imaginary are tied by homotopia) and when it happens by a void, enigmatic, there is an identification of the sinthome (which puts into continuity the Real and the sinthome).


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Author Biography

Ana Paula Lacorte Gianesi

Psicóloga. Psicanalista, membro do Fórum do Campo Lacaniano-São Paulo e da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano-Brasil. Doutora e mestre em Psicologia Clínica pela Universidade de São Paulo. Autora do livro Causalidade e desencadeamento em psicanálise (Annablume, 2011) e, em parceria com Conrado Ramos, do livro de poesia Nós de rimas (Chiado, 2017).


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How to Cite

Lacorte Gianesi, A. P. (2018). Narcissism and its echoes. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (36), pp. 91–109.

