Today’s hysterics

a theoretical, social, and feminist perspective


  • Hannah Raquel Borges Pimenta de Azevedo Faculdade Focus



Hysteria, Female, Power strategies, Society


It is of interest for this work to carry out a multidetermined analysis of the hysterical nomenclature — a psychoanalytic concept with great theoretical repercussion, understanding its diagnostic meaning, its intimate relation with the context of the time, how it developed in the social scenario and became popularized as a feminine adjective and a power strategy intimately linked to the questioning of sanity. Starting from a theoretical bias, the research problem is centered on the control of female bodies, directly or sublimated by social culture and its strategies, which are capable of forging terms, medical diagnoses, and whatever they desire in the name of their interests. Through the literature review, it was possible to demonstrate the imperative need for the promotion of social and scientific debates that question the place designated and occupied by women, as well as the promotion of public policies and social actions capable of guaranteeing rights and protection.


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How to Cite

Borges Pimenta de Azevedo, H. R. (2024). Today’s hysterics: a theoretical, social, and feminist perspective. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(45), pp. 153–163.

