Review of Os Nomes-do-Pai


  • Maria Célia Delgado de Carvalho



Names of the Father, Anguish, Gap, Object a


Review of "The Names-of-the-Father," Jacques Lacan's final lecture at the Chapel of Saint-Anne Hospital on November 20, 1963, marking his departure from the French Society of Psychoanalysis following controversies and restrictions since 1959.

In this seminar, Lacan explores the relationship between anxiety, desire, and the concept of object a, cause of desire.

Lacan also addresses the role of the Name-of-the-Father and its relationship with the desire of God. He explores how the Name-of-the-Father is crucial for dealing with primordial anguish and connects this function with the structuring of the subject.

The text emphasizes the importance of anxiety as an indicator of essential gap in being and examines the link between anxiety, object a, and desire.

Lacan also discusses the role of transference in psychoanalysis, where the analytic practice is achieved through deceit.

In summary, the article discusses Lacan's final lecture on "The Names-of-the-Father," exploring its connections with anxiety, desire, and the object a, cause of desire.


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Kierkegaard, S. A. (2010). O conceito de angústia. Petrópolis: Vozes.

Lacan, J. (1963). Os nomes-do-pai. Sessão de 20 de novembro de 1963. Edição bilíngue. Recife: Traço Freudiano Veredas Lacanianas Escola de Psicanálise.

Lacan, J. (1973-1974). O seminário, livro 21: os não-tolos erram. Inédito.

Lacan, J. (2005). Nomes-do-Pai. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.

Porge, E. (1998). Os Nomes do pai em Jacques Lacan: pontuações e problemáticas. Rio de Janeiro: Companhia de Freud Editora.



How to Cite

Delgado de Carvalho, M. C. (2024). Review of Os Nomes-do-Pai. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(45), pp. 187–192.