The nodal is modal


  • Ana Laura Prates Pacheco IF-EPFCL/FCL-SP



Modal, Nodal, Speeches, Formulas of sexuation, Borromean topology


In the January 15, 1974 lesson of The Seminar, book 21: les non-dupes errent, Lacan affirms the convergence of the modal and the nodal. The objective of this work is to accompany the previous elaborations of his teaching that allowed such a conclusion, which seems fundamental for approaching the Borromean method and its logical and linguistic implications. The formulas of sexuation, present in The seminar, book 20: even more, are considered as a transitional matheme between the discourses and the Borromean topology. This transition is extremely complex, since it implies the construction of a homology between logic and topology, questioning the notion of language compatible with psychoanalysis. It is about developing the idea that the unconscious is an open and paradoxical class, as Lacan developed in that seminar. It will therefore be necessary to accompany this construction on three levels: logical, topological and linguistic. In this work, only the logical level will be treated, leaving the others for later developments.


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How to Cite

Pacheco, A. L. P. (2023). The nodal is modal. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(41), pp. 135–147.




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