The manifestation of hate and ignorance in the masses of our time


  • Maria Helena Coelho Martinho EPFCL-BRASIL / FCCL /UVA



Hate, Ignorance, Masses


This article highlights two passions of being – hat and ignorance – and questions the possible reasons that have provoked the exacerbated manifestation of these passions in the Brazilian masses of our time. Freud´s theory about the masses and Lacan´s theory about hat and ignorance are articulated to clarify the causes that lead the Brazilian masses to remain blind with hat and know. The text verifies that the masses remain hypnotized, dominated by hate speech and denialist speech enunciated by the Brazilian head of state in the last four years. Ignorance assumes the face of hat to know. Through Novillíngua, a poor language transmitted primarily on social networks as a model of action and political advertising, memes, slogans and fake news, which refer to the supremacy of fascist discourses, are shot, the imperatives of enjoyment of the superego command: hate and ignore the science, the culture, the intellectuality, the poor, the black people, the Indian people, the women, the homosexuals. The affected mass identifies with the ideals of the leader who influences, deceives and manipulates the people. The article questions: how long will the Brazilian masses remain blinded by hat and ignorance, hypnotized, spreading hat to know, attacking language, hitting dialectics, promoting a fascist narrative, a pestilential discourse?


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How to Cite

Martinho, M. H. C. (2024). The manifestation of hate and ignorance in the masses of our time. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(45), pp. 29–35.

